
Bio-mechanical Assessment

The way you walk may be causing your foot or leg pain. Assessing your gait and foot posture can result in a management plan to resolve pain rapidly. Often treatment modalities include strapping, stretching, orthotics and footwear advice to achieve pain relief.


Orthotics are inserts that fit into your shoes. They are used to support your foot structure and to change the way your foot takes weight when you walk or run. There are many different types of orthotics, and they can be categorised into ‘customised’ and ‘premoulded’ orthotics.  The type that suits you best can be determined at the time of consultation.

Children’s Feet

Numerous foot and leg conditions in children can be treated by Podiatrists. The most common conditions include intoeing, Severs disease and painful flat feet. Treatment modalities include strapping, paddings and flexible orthotics for growing feet.

Corns and Callouses

Corns and callouses are a build up of dead skin cells. It can be very painful when walking or in shoes. It is painlessly removed by a skilled Podiatrist. Instant relief as you walk out of the clinic.

Ingrowing nails

Are often caused by either incorrect cutting of the nail or by the inherited involuted nail shape. Simple removal of the offending nail spicule with minimal discomfort is often the only procedure necessary. For chronic ingrowing nails a procedure using local anaesthetic can permanently remove a portion of the nail.

Plantar Warts/Veruccae

Plantar warts are often confused as corns. They require an accurate diagnosis. Warts are a viral infection of the skin, and build up callous within the wart causing pain when walking. Treatment usually involves removing the callous and treating the viral tissue with an acidic paste.

Thickened nails

Thickened nails cause pain due to the pressure under the nail. This is usually caused by trauma, fungal infection or circulation problems. Painlessly thinning the nail and removing the callous under the nail will result in instant pain relief.

Diabetic Foot Assessment

Patients with diabetes can have severe problems with their feet affecting the circulation and sensation. Determining the circulation and nerve supply the feet will assist in the management of the patients diabetes and footcare regime.

Other Common Foot Conditions

Heel pain; heel spurs; aching feet; arch pain (plantar fasciitis); flat feet (fallen arches); high arches; achilles pain; shin splints; bunion pain; footwear advice.

Avalon Podiatry Associated links:
(click to reference any of the following links below)

Australian Podiatry Association: (NSW)
Australian Podiatry Council:
Diabetes NSW:
Diabetes Australia:
Sports Medicine Australia: