No referral is required to see a Podiatrist. The only time you need a referral is if your GP refers you under the Medicare – Enhanced Primary Care Plan or you have a DVA Gold Car.
Yes. Avalon Podiatry is registered with Medicare. You may be able to claim through Medicare IF you have a chronic condition ie. Diabetes, arthritis, vascular disease etc. You MUST have an Enhanced Primary Care Plan referral organised by your GP to claim through Medicare.
Yes. A D904 referral is required for the initial consultation from your GP.
Patients who have ancillary cover will find Podiatry services have rebates from their health funds. HICAPS is available which allows instant rebates on the spot so you just pay the gap.
Podiatrist have a four year Bachelor Degree in Podiatry or equivalent. All practising Podiatrists must be registered with the Podiatry Registration Board and have a current Senior First Aid Certificate.